We’ve been busy this summer! Since July, we’ve walked through the steps of creating an analysis of your data. We’ve taken a process that many of my clients have told me seems overwhelming and broken it down into smaller steps. Now it’s time to sit back, review your analysis, and begin to draw some conclusions.

Compare Your Questions To Your Findings, And Start Strategizing

Now it’s time to have fun! Back when we started looking at our data, I had you list the questions that were top of mind for you.

Pivot To E-Commerce

Maybe you were in the middle of a hard pivot to e-commerce, and were seeing a shift in your customer base.

  • Customer Base: What have you found out about your new customer base? What is your Google Analytics data telling you?
  • Buying Patterns: How do the buying patterns of these new customers compare to those of your previous ones? Are they similar, or quite different?
  • Retention/Customer Loyalty: How many of your previous customers have you been able to retain?
  • Engagement: What type of engagement works best with these new customers? Emails, newsletters, Facebook/Instagram, or something else like text messages?

Updated Workforce Planning

Many businesses had to completely revise their workforce plans based on changed demand for their products or services, or due to COVID-19 mandated physical distancing regulations.

  • Talent Acquisition: Which of your sources for new hires are the most lucrative?
  • Employee Attrition: How many of your employees have you lost since the pandemic began? Are there any particular departments or functions that have a higher-than-average rate? What are the reasons given for leaving, and can you do anything to address them?
  • Physical Space: Do you have enough space, literally, for your employees to be able to perform their job? With guidelines that have been mandated during the COVID-19 pandemic, what’s had to change? And have those changes impacted productivity?
  • Employee Engagement: How engaged are your employees right now? Are there any issues that are driving weaker or stronger engagement?

Sales Professionals

I’ve heard from some of my sales professional clients that you’ve found that your lead generation has shifted entirely, away from your “tried and true” methods and to newer ones like social media.

  • Lead Generation: Now that you’ve identified the top sources for your leads, how are you going to capitalize on those going forward?
  • Conversions: What sort of conversion rates do you have for your several lead sources? What sort of revenue are you generating from each?

Connect With Me

Analyzing data is a skill that takes time and practice. The key is consistency, and continually asking questions. Oftentimes I find it helpful to bounce my ideas off someone else, and I’d be happy to play that role for you. If you find yourself grappling with some of these questions and need another perspective, sign up here for a free 30-minute consultation via Zoom. We can talk through your questions and what your findings are, and I can weigh in on questions you might not have thought of yet.

I look forward to connecting!

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